Windsor Cricket Club

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dear club members
Olli Birch has proposed that he will organise a 5 day cricket tour of the South coast this season.

Proposal is something along these lines:

-A week in June TBC-Tour from Sunday am till Friday afternoon on a mini bus or the ‘fun bus’
-Accommodation will be cheap ‘Travellodge’ style hotel or cheap B&B near town centre and bars!
-3 or 4 x 40 over win or loose Matches against town or Uni sides to be held on Monday, Tues, Wed and Thursday
- (drive back Friday afternoon in time for Sat league matches)
-Three or 4 towns visited along the Sussex coast (to be selected from Eastbourne, Brighton, Worthing, Arundel, Chichester, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bournemouth etc
-Cost TBC
*If anyone just wants to drive down for one night and one match this is fine also, but we need a minimum of 13 players that will do at least 4 days to make the trip worth while.....

Please email him on directly so that he can work out the numbers and dates.....