Windsor Cricket Club

Monday, January 29, 2007

Winter Nets Times

Winter Nets Starts Saturday 3rd February

Just to confirm the details stated at the AGM on Thursday with regards the Winter Nets. They start this weekend and the details are as follows:

Langley Grammar School (directions to school)

Saturday 3rd Feb: 12pm to 2pm - 2 nets
Saturday 10th Feb: 12pm to 2pm - 2 nets

Sunday 18th Feb till Sunday 1st April: 2pm to 4pm - All 4 nets

Subs for the nets will be £3 as with previous winters.

I am told that the facilities are second to none and that we shouldn't have the lighting issues as we have previously. The reason for the strange early scheduling is availability and also our desire to put them back on a weekend. Sunday's have been seen as the best day to train due to work commitments and timing in the week (plus it works out cheaper)

Can you confirm to the captains (i.e. Craig, Alex, Rich etc.) your availability and when you will be able to attend.

As ever, any new members are more than welcome

Sunday, January 14, 2007

AGM Announced

Windsor CC Annual General Meeting
Thursday 25th January
WCC Clubhouse - 7pm for 7.30pm start

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Thursday 25th January. This will mark the start of the new club year and will be the chance for all members to air their views, ask any questions of the outgoing committee and elect the new club officers.

If you wish to stand for a position or nominate anyone for a club officer position, please email

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dear club members
Olli Birch has proposed that he will organise a 5 day cricket tour of the South coast this season.

Proposal is something along these lines:

-A week in June TBC-Tour from Sunday am till Friday afternoon on a mini bus or the ‘fun bus’
-Accommodation will be cheap ‘Travellodge’ style hotel or cheap B&B near town centre and bars!
-3 or 4 x 40 over win or loose Matches against town or Uni sides to be held on Monday, Tues, Wed and Thursday
- (drive back Friday afternoon in time for Sat league matches)
-Three or 4 towns visited along the Sussex coast (to be selected from Eastbourne, Brighton, Worthing, Arundel, Chichester, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bournemouth etc
-Cost TBC
*If anyone just wants to drive down for one night and one match this is fine also, but we need a minimum of 13 players that will do at least 4 days to make the trip worth while.....

Please email him on directly so that he can work out the numbers and dates.....