Windsor Cricket Club

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Windsor CC Cricket force weekend

Dear Club members
Windsor CC is hosting its annual tidy up day on the weekend of the 27th and 28th March
This weekend is a crucial date in the WCC calendar, as its our only oportunity to repair and renovate the club in perparation for the busy season ahead. These jobs require as many of you volunteering as possible over the weekend, as these cannot be completed by just a few people....... many hands make light work.
Remember this is your cricket club, and if you want it to look smart and be tidy and in good condition for the season, its up to you to pull your weight
Important jobs over the weekend include:
repair of covers, sightscreen painting, tidy and fix public and portable nets, C2 pavilion tidy paint and repair, Power washing steps & balcony, Tidy up scorebox, Clear up outside between clubhouses, Clear rubbish from under stairs and chuck old chairs out
The chairman has indicated in the AGM that this season we want to increase the profile of our club even futher, and increase hiring oportunities, and this can only be done if our facilities are up to scratch
please contact James Jordan or Mark Huggins for details of the activities on each day and i am sure there will be a pint and some snacks for your efforts
Cheers taz