Annual Subscriptions are now due!
Just as a gentle reminder to all cricket club members, the date for which the annual subscriptions are due is Saturday 9th May (the first Thams Valley League game of the season). This is date when the discounted offer of £130 expires.
All players who have played prior to this date will be liable to pay the full amount if payment is made after May 9th.
Any players that play their first game in parrallel with the first league game may be entitled to extra grace period, this will need to be discussed / negotiated with Chris Smith.
This change was proposed and approved at the Annual General Meeting in January by an overwhelming majority.
If anyone has any querries with regards this, please ask Chris Smith, James Jordan or their respective team captain.
WCC Committee
All players who have played prior to this date will be liable to pay the full amount if payment is made after May 9th.
Any players that play their first game in parrallel with the first league game may be entitled to extra grace period, this will need to be discussed / negotiated with Chris Smith.
This change was proposed and approved at the Annual General Meeting in January by an overwhelming majority.
If anyone has any querries with regards this, please ask Chris Smith, James Jordan or their respective team captain.
WCC Committee